First phase of this item requires initial consultation with WKBID legal consultant JP LLP attorney team and with Fort Bend County Drainage District Chief Engineer. District engineering consultant Kavi Consulting, Inc to assist in this task.

Producing of the sketches, individuals and overlay maps of District jurisdiction (DJ) of bayou (WKBID and Fort Bend County properties), part of bayou from DJ to Fort Bend County line, and maps of all MUDs which drains into the bayou. This presentation is very important for District to pursue issues with Fort Bend County drainage department and with MUDs. After that we will have District’s attorney involved with the issue to discuss possible annexation of certain areas to District Jurisdiction. These maps can be simple outlines to start with to evaluate the situation. Detailed maps, if needed, will be requested later. It has been sometimes for this issue and directors are eager to see progress on this item.